World class turnkey solutions

Our customers are key. Their needs are our central point of focus. We offer them specialist knowledge on double block & bleed valves, manifolds and instrument enclosures. We may consider ourselves famous for our tailor-made approach.

Customized instrumentation for the process industry

From individual components to turn-key instrumentation cabinets

We understand the unique demands of the oil, gas, and energy sector. We know downtime is unacceptable, so we provide rapid response, top-quality support, and worldwide service—exactly where and when you need it.

We keep your operations running flawlessly.

Expertise in the international process industry

60 years of experience in the oil, gas and energy industry

Major players choose us because of the quality of our products and the expertise of our specialists. Standard solutions, customization and worldwide service form the basis of our reputation. We increase uptime, improve safety and reduce costs.

International customers find the perfect combination of reliability and efficiency here.

Unique installation solutions and lower costs

Every market and application requires a unique approach

We help reduce the total cost of ownership and extend the life of your installation with complete, integrated and turn-key solutions.

One contact person, one invoice and everything according to international standards – simple and effective.

DGF Group: Added value through expertise and customization since 1947 

Imperial Valve was founded in 1992 and has been one of the original manufacturers that started with Double block & Bleed (DBB) instrument valves.

Besides the standard range of valves Imperial Valve also provides customer specific solutions.

Not only can Imperial Valve offer a product only but also a solution. Think of a Enclosure with heather, junction box, manifold and pressure transmitter. As  part of the De Gidts & Feldman group we can also offer the complete package of valves and instrumentation.

Reliable partner with expertise. 

At DGF Group we have been adding real added value since 1947 through our expertise and personal approach. We work intensively with our customers to provide tailor-made solutions that perfectly meet their needs.

High-quality products from top brands and own labels. 

Our extensive range includes high-quality products from renowned suppliers and our own brands. Thanks to our own workshop, we can deliver fully customized solutions, tailored to your specific requirements.

Visit our showroom. 

You can view some of our wide range of products and solutions in our showroom. Discover for yourself the quality and versatility we have to offer.

Why choose DGF Group? 

  • Decades of experience: active in the market since 1947
  • Personal service: intensive collaboration and a customer-oriented approach
  • Customized quality: own workshop for unique solutions
  • Wide range: high-quality products from own brands and renowned suppliers

Experience the difference that expertise and customization make.

Contact us for more information!




Interested? Please contact us!

Our product specialist will be pleased to advise you about our products and solutions.

Marcel Loijenga

Sales and Product Manager +31(0)6 278 974 76 Follow on LinkedIn